Tuesday 27 September 2011

Capsim General Strategies

*While this blog is dated Sept-11, I'm always around unless stated otherwise (Updated FEBRUARY 2014)*


I cannot stress the above more. Whether you follow my strategies or not, you NEED to read the team member guide because it provides you with invaluable information. A lot of capsim can be applied to real life business. Since you WILL need to learn those things, you may as well start now.

Capsim is complex. Every decision is interconnected and to achieve the desired result, you need to know how one decision can affect the short and long term well-being of your business. Whether you are doing a team simulation (8 rounds) or individual simulation (4 rounds), the same thing applies. For your convenience, I will break the general strategies into 7 parts: R&D, Marketing, Production, Finance, HR, TQM & Reports.

WARNING: These general strategies are intensive in the number of words. It is necessary because Capsim is not a simple game. If you are impatient or too lazy to read the whole thing, email me at capsimhelp(at)hotmail.com and I will give you a summarized version. However be warned that summarized version will probably not help much if you don't read the text below. Guaranteed response within hours.